Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Kwanghee to be discharged from the military this Friday, will be making a variety show comeback with 'Omniscient Interfering View'

1. [+4438, -3] It felt like Lee Seung Gi was serving for years and it feels like Kwanghee was quickly discharged ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's interesting

2. [+1591, -48] Oh!!! It didn't work out with 'Infinite Challenge' but somehow... I feel like he's going to match well with 'Omniscient Interfering View'

3. [+1086, -69] Kwanghee served in the military, his personality is good, and he's funny.

4. [+557, -10] Already?

5. [+318, -12] ?? Already?? Why is it so quick 