Saturday, October 19, 2019

Commenters don't understand why Krystal should be receiving hate comments for not making an Instagram post regarding Sulli's passing

t/n: Krystal is suffering from hate comments after Sulli's sudden death. On the 17th, an industry insider who visited Sulli's wake told, "After Krystal heard the news about Sulli, she was at the funeral hall for three days in sorrow, she was present during the entire process. The current hate comments are cruel."
1. [+22628 / -37] If your friend passed away, isn't it more of a duty to participate in the wake than to post a memorial post on Instagram? Kids these days must think that you should do everything through Instagram now...
↪ [+491 / -2] Instagram ruined several people...
↪ [+131 / -1] I agree, it's more of a priority to participate in the wake for three days

2. [+5872 / -41] Only attention seekers send people off and commemorate someone online - forreal, you don't think about Instagram at all if you're mourning someone

3. [+3612 / -14] To be honest... Isn't it difficult to upload a post during sadness?? On one hand, if my close friend passed away, isn't it better to participate in the funeral than to post something on Instagram?? I hope hate commenters really come to their senses.... If you have nothing else to do, go to sleep.   

4. [+1594 / -21] Hate commenters are trying to belittle someone until the end... *sigh* 

5. [+1130 / -13] Are you happy now because you made an article come out 
↪ [+100 / -1] The bastards who leave hate comments towards Krystal are the ones who left hate comments towards Sulli. They're currently feeling guilty so they're trying to release their anger on the wrong thing and they're in the state of mentality where they want to be rewarded

6. [+527 / -4] People who are really sad do not post memorial posts on social media. It's hectic but... They don't go and open up Instagram, look for an old picture of Sulli, think about what they should caption it. To the bastards who leave hate comments. Would you post a memorial post on your Instagram if your parents or siblings died? Participating in the wake is what you should do as a friend. You can go on Instagram later 

Original Source (Segye Ilbo via Naver): 'Best friend' Krystal who was at Sulli's wake for three days, "She was there during the entire process while in sorrow"

1. [+7453 / -70] People are so cruel... Are you happy now that you made articles about Krystal be published? You kept posting hate comments asking where's Krystal, did you have to go that far to feel satisfied?

2. [+4034 / -62] I really wonder if the people who asked if Soo Jung didn't go during the middle of all this are really human. They relied on each other a lot because they were the same age and Soo Jung was the one who struggled a lot when Sulli left the group... Soo Jung, I know this is selfish but I hope you struggle only a bit. I'll always support you

3. [+1827 / -151] We can't shit on other countries like China and Japan - we're overflowing with trash but who are we to shit on others 

4. [+1344 / -30] May you rest in peace

5. [+769 / -34] This is so sad.. I hope she's in a better place.. 