Monday, February 17, 2020

Actor Jo Jin Woong becomes a father

1. [+3603 / -18] He's an actor I've liked since 'The Sons of Sol Pharmacy House'! Congratulations on having a baby girl, I'm sure you'll become a cool father ^^

2. [+1248 / -4] Jo Jin Woong-nim, congratulations on becoming a father 

3. [+989 / -4] I feel like he'll really adore his daughter ㅋ

4. [+332 / -4] Jo Jin Woong hyung-nim, congratulations on your baby girl, be happy ^^

5. [+261 / -9] Congratulations~~

1. [+1528 / -14] Congratulations~ I'm also waiting, this is really encouraging~ 

2. [+534 / -14] Congrats... I think the child will be really pretty if their eyes resemble the dad's

3. [+245 / -7] Congratulations

4. [+160 / -6] Congratulations~ Your acting in movies are so good that it keeps lingering in my mind

5. [+126 / -15] Congratulations - you're the same age as me but I should've had my kids earlier.. the regrets - be happy
↪ [+44 / -1] I don't think you would've been happier if you had kids earlier. The timing isn't important, I hope you don't regret things      